Existing Structure Certificate of Installation
Ensuring Termite Protection for Your Existing Structures
Existing Structure Certificate of Installation - Termite Management (AS 3660.2-2017)
Certificate Name:
Existing Structure Certificate of Installation
Who is the Existing Structure Certificate of Installation Intended for?
This certificate is designed for homeowners, property managers, or real estate agents managing an existing building or structure.
What is the Existing Structure Certificate of Installation?
The Existing Structure Certificate of Installation is a crucial document that verifies an existing structure has been appropriately protected against termite infestation as per the Australian Standard 3660.2-2017. It provides assurance of a professionally installed termite management system.
How would a pest control technician promote this Certificate of Installation?
Pest control technicians can promote this certificate as an essential component in maintaining the structural integrity and value of the property.
It attests to the implementation of effective termite management in line with the Australian Standard 3660.2-2017.
What is included in an Existing Structure Certificate of Installation?
This certificate generally includes the following sections:
- Client & Property Details: This section captures the client's name, contact details, and full address of the property where the termite management system has been installed.
- Termite Management Systems Details: This section provides details about the termite management system that has been installed, including the type of system, installation details, and any unique characteristics of the system.
- Product Details: Here, specifics about the products used in the termite management system are given, such as the brand, product name, and other relevant information like batch numbers.
- Durable Notice: This section includes information about a durable notice affixed to a prominent place in the property, as per the AS3660.1-2014 standard. This notice serves as a permanent record of the termite management system installation.
- Termite Management System Installation Site Plan: This is a detailed diagram showing where in the property the termite management system has been installed.
- Additional Information: This section is for any extra relevant information or details not covered in the previous sections.
- Certification: The certification section is where the installer certifies that the installation has been done in accordance with the Australian standard AS3660.1-2014.
- Terms & Conditions Of Certificate: This final section outlines the terms and conditions related to the certificate of installation, such as its validity, what it covers, and any limitations. The client must acknowledge these terms by signing this section.